Sunday, September 13, 2009

Reverse Proxying

Whatever that means:)
Here's what needs to be done :

Install a piece of software on one machine on which you have administrator rights. This is a daemon of course - runs all the time as a server.
Know the IP address of this machine, which has internet access.

Enter this IP address in some field of your Mozilla Firefox browser setup/preferences/options/etc and access the internet through the first machine.


Tell me and see your name in big lights - or get another equivalent reward in the case of identities that need to be protected:)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Processing's Serial.available()

How do they do it? They use java of course - and there's an input.available() in their source. But how do you do with Win32 C++ DLLs? I only see CreateFile, ReadFile and WriteFile.