Friday, August 21, 2009

Dear RealTerm

Is it possible somehow to run realterm from the cmd line on a one-shot basis

realterm -hidden -com28 -baud9600 -hex f3 0 f3 1

that is, have it run like a command line program - do its job and exit?

if not, can you suggest a way I could write such a program?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Missing printf()

What the world needs is a simple program that can be run from the MS-DOS command prompt like this :

writeCom -id com28 -parity none -baud 9600 -stop 1 -data 8

Apparently, even with millions of smart people loose out there, we don't have something as simple as this that people can use. !$@!$#!$#!

The google search that finally got me somewhere was :

dos command line com port writing

Here are some resources :
( conio.h outportb bios.h bioscom )

Available ports?

As it turned out later, all of this stuff is utter crap if you're on WinXP. Why don't people update stuff?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Autohotkey on Unix?

Anyone know what the equivalent of AHK is on Unix? How would you do hotkeys dependent on the Window name, etc?

Guruspeak :

Went there; my reaction - it's for supergeeks only. AHK was lighter - if you're not a god at package installation, you're looking at sleepless nights here.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Windows says it can't find the drivers - this, despite my explicitly downloading them and telling it where they are, and then, using FTDI's executable to install them. Problem could be that it's seeing the CMAXQUSB command module and looking for something else.

If I try writing to the serial port, it asks for FTD2XX.DLL. If I place that file in the same directory as the program I'm running, it stops asking for the file, but it says Open Failed, FTDI write Failed. Well, WinXP still doesn't see it as a serial port. Hmm...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

USB Minimum Pulse Width

Simple question, you use USB and nothing else. (With a one-shot timer chip, this would be easy). What is the minimum pulse width you can generate writing to a serial port?