Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Cockroaches and Pests Associated Network. Bugs for short. This page seems to have some useful help on this error :

cpan> i Term::ReadLine
Going to read /home/perl/sources/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz
Can't call method "value" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8/IO/Uncompress/RawInflate.pm line 64.

What idallen says is :

I ran an "install Bundle::CPAN" without first doing "apt-get install
build-essentials", and that was a mistake. Many things didn't build
fully, and CPAN wedged itself into a state where RawInflate.pm was
broken and nothing could be done. Make sure you run "apt-get install
build-essentials" first. It would be nice if CPAN would know this
somehow so that it didn't let you fail and wedge itself.

Running "apt-get remove libcompress-raw-zlib-perl" got CPAN un-wedged and
allowed "install Bundle::CPAN" to complete; but, when I did "apt-get
install spamassassin", it brought back the broken old version of
RawInflate.pm and CPAN was broken again! Looks like the Ubuntu package
for the compress library is too old for the current CPAN, and of course
CPAN and APT don't share version information and get along nicely.


Unfortunately, no one seems to have messed with this on Cygwin - so I can't find any non-guru-level stuff. Hmmm...

Here seems to be a helpful page that details how perl can behave differently on cygwin. Fascinating stuff if you don't have a life:


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Email with Cygwin

How? If you don't have mail or exim or mutt (last two I haven't heard of) ?

I want to hook up a motion-detector and a webcam to my PC. When the motion-detector fires, I want the PC to cature a picture from the webcam and make it available online - say on a blog, and send an email to my cellphone.